Introducing Empathy Lab. The launch of something...needed

The brands who will define the next decade are not the ones that use AI first, but the ones that use it most thoughtfully.
Feb 25, 2025

Kevin Labick


Over the past decade, digital technology has unlocked unfathomable business value, powering billions of transactions every day.  It also has us drowning in a flood of soulless content and suffering algorithms encouraging our worst selves.  And let’s not forget the chatbots and conversational agents that while sounding more like us every day, only seem to increase our hunger for genuine human contact. 


Somewhere along the way, we mistook automation for intimacy. 

We've confused the canvas for the art. 

We personalized but forgot the person. 


But what if we could be so adept with technology it receded into the background and freed brands to focus on true connection? 


Enter Empathy Lab - a creative AI-native agency that uses technology to help brands be more, not less human.  We believe the true power of AI isn’t automation; it’s elevation.  Our mission is to set brands free - free to create, listen, and connect more deeply than ever before. Because true brand intimacy isn’t about knowing a name or a purchase history - it’s about understanding intent, anticipating needs, and making every interaction personal, even when at scale. 

The journey to becoming an empathetic brand is not easy. It requires the ability to handle complexity, to engineer intelligence into every interaction, and to build systems that perform without friction.  This is why Empathy Lab could only be born out of a company like EPAM.  Thirty years of operating at the cutting edge of technology gives us the platform to create contextually aware architectures able to use AI to capture, interpret, act on customer data in real time, and deploy intelligent agents that empower people - not process. 

At Empathy Lab we believe in moving fast without breaking things – like trust, or security, or your promise to the customer. The brands who will define the next decade are not the ones that use AI first, but the ones that use it most thoughtfully.  Join us for the ride. 


Welcome to the new brand world.  Welcome to Empathy Lab. 





Kevin Labick

SVP | Empathy Lab

    Interested in exploring AI’s potential for empathy?

    It all starts with a conversation.